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Graphic and Digital Design

Throughout the year, there are many new on the program in Graphic and Digital Design. Find out the key events (workshops, creative competitions, production workshops, etc.) in which students from our graphic and digital design school participate!

BRASSART news: Une étudiante publiée dans Advanced Creation

Graphic and Digital Design Une étudiante publiée dans Advanced Creation

Le travail de Audrey ARROT, étudiante en formation design graphique, a été publié dans le magazine « Advanced Creation ».

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BRASSART news: Partenariat avec l'artiste Benjamin et son école d’arts visuels à Pékin

Graphic and Digital Design / Graphic Arts Illustration Partenariat avec l'artiste Benjamin et son école d’arts visuels à Pékin

Partage d’expérience, partenariat avec Pékin, … Grâce à l’artiste chinois Benjamin, les étudiants Aries vont pouvoir découvrir la Chine !

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BRASSART news: Formations Photoshop & InDesign : Les écoles Brassart proposent la certification Tosa

Graphic and Digital Design Formations Photoshop & InDesign : Les écoles Brassart proposent la certification Tosa

Les formations en design graphique et digital proposées par notre école permettent désormais d’obtenir la certification TOSA, un véritable plus pour booster son employabilité.

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and Digital Design

brassart digital graphic design training

Discover our Graphic and Digital Design program

After acquiring the minimum basics during a preparatory year or obtaining a specific baccalaureate, the Graphic and Digital Design courses work to develop in the student real high-level creative skills. They allow him to tackle all types of projects with method, creativity and sense of organization: graphic design, packaging design, web design or advertising. Through his ability to take charge of a project in its entirety, the designer will tend towards the function of artistic director.

Find out more about our Graphic and Digital Design training courses brassart digital graphic design training

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