About us Student life
BDE, sponsorship, student parties and cultural outings, students are active long before working life!
Community life
BDE - Student office
More commonly referred to as BDEs, the « Bureaux des Élèves » are associations (under the French Law of 1901) which organize, coordinate and unite students around extracurricular activities on each campus, including charitable, associative and sporting events. Together with the BRASSART teams, they bring the campuses to life on a day-to-day basis, organizing special events to punctuate student life.
On the initiative of students and members of the BDE, a system of sponsorship between old and new is set up. It allows, on the basis of reciprocal volunteering, better integration and benevolent support.
Student life
The year of study is punctuated by festive meetings organized by and for the students in complete independence from the establishments. These evenings are important moments of relaxation and diversity between the different promotions and courses of study.
Clubs / Associations
BRASSART students bring their campus to life through a wide range of clubs and associations: photo club, podcast, reading, drawing and climbing! The only limit is our students’ imagination!
An open and accessible school
Independent and at the service of its students
BRASSART is a private institution of higher education based on a transparent business model that has guaranteed the school’s total independence for over 75 years. Every year, the school invests in the student experience, to enable students to concentrate on their studies and make their daily lives easier, to continue improving programs and teaching, to pursue the school’s development and influence, and to perpetually innovate.
Supportive and inclusive
True to its historic values of humanism and solidarity, BRASSART welcomes students from a wide variety of backgrounds into its community. However, some of them may encounter difficulties that hinder their access to higher education. With a view to integrating as many students as possible, the school offers assistance and support on several levels:
- Financing schooling (staggered payments, internal solidarity commission, banking partnerships, etc.)
- Peace of mind when it comes to housing (assistance in finding accommodation, accessible housing subsidies, etc.).
- Eat easily (access to CROUS university restaurants)
- Facilitate international mobility (Erasmus + grants, regional aid, etc.)
- Build your career plan while financing your studies (internships, work-study programs)
- Care for mental health and well-being (accompaniment, psychological support, anti-discrimination and anti-violence measures)
- Handling differences (disability contacts, exam accommodations, support in finding internships)
Open to the world
Throughout their studies, BRASSART students are in constant contact with the outside world:
- Through local commitment and extensive geographic coverage
- Through research projects in partnership with renowned companies across the country (Paris 2024, Club Med Live, Havas)
- Through privileged access to culture: our students take part in key events in the creative industries (Paris Games Week, Annecy Festival, etc.), exchange ideas with professionals during Masterclasses and even have the opportunity to exhibit their work on our premises.
- Through participation in socially useful projects: BRASSART is committed to projects with a strong societal impact, and encourages and supports all such initiatives by its students. For example, clothing drives have been organized on some campuses, and our students have taken part in the Endorun race.

You may be wondering whether you can take one of our courses. Contactez-nous, afin que nous puissions vous informer et vous orienter le mieux possible - accessibilite@brassart.fr.