3D Animation & Immersion
Discover different projects carried out by our students during their program in 3D Animation ; VFX!
A Grave Man
Thomas Pecout - Evan Charvet-Quemin - Corentin Dupessey Brun - Edouard Rosaz - Quentin Lassauzay
Promotion 2020
Animation 3D & Immersion Program - Years 2 & 3
Quentin Marsollier - Hugo Trenoras - Vincent Larcher - Thibaut Sertin
Promotion 2020
Animation 3D & Immersion Program - Years 2 & 3
Duncan Delionnet, Christophe Greenough, Alexandre Pamart et Léa Maureaux
Briser la glace
Sacha Amsalem, Teddy Bres et Lucy Donnot
Greater Kudu
Thomas Samazan
Promotion 2020
Animation 3D & Immersion Program - Years 2 & 3
Romain Simon
Promotion 2020
Animation 3D & Immersion Program - Years 2 & 3
La Reine Aveugle
B.Van PeteGhem, C.Collecchia, M.Vacher, C.Xiong
Promotion 2019
Animation 3D & Immersion Program - Years 2 & 3
Hunt Diorama
Promotion 2019
Animation 3D & Immersion Program - Years 2 & 3
Concept FG
Promotion 2019
Animation 3D & Immersion Program - Years 2 & 3
3D Animation
& Immersion
5 years to create immersive experiences
The 3D Animation & Immersion program prepares students for careers in the 3D field. Their expertise can then be put to good use in video games, animated films, cinema, culture, advertising, architecture, healthcare…
Find out more about our programs in 3D & VFX Animation