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S. de Chavigny, D. Feron, F. Guichard, A. Pico

Isha : projet animation 3d & immersion program - years 2 & 3

Découvrez le trailer "Isha" réalisé par S. de Chavigny, D. Feron, F. Guichard, A. Pico, étudiants en Bachelor Animation 3D VFX & Jeux Vidéo / Game Art.

Synopsis  Alors qu'il poursuit la quête initiatique de sa tribu, le jeune Tokela se retrouve piégé dans un monde inconnu. Sa rencontre avec Isha, l'idole vivante va changer sa vie pour toujours. 

Auteurs  Sylvain de Chavigny, Daphné Feron, Floriane Guichard et Antony Pico. 

Logiciels utilisés  3DS Max, Zbrush, Unity3D, Substance. 

Game Design
Video Games

program in game design : video game school

4 years to become a Game Design professional

From concept to final prototype, here is the promise of this video game training to become video game designers. The students create the concept of the game, define the strategy and the main elements: scenario, environment, rules, characters and player progression. They work in studio mode from the first year and quickly learn the value of a solid team for a common project.

Find out more about our Game Design / Video Games Program program in game design : video game school

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