A passion, some professions
For 75 years, BRASSART has supported its students towards exceptional professions allowing them to develop personal talent and technical learning in the service of a passion: creating. Our ambition is to allow everyone to nurture and develop a personal style.
Joining BRASSART family means turning a passion into a profession by fulfilling yourself individually, while sharing collective values.
Our alumni have talent

Vincent KARA
Class of 2017
Game Designer of the video game “Ghost Recon Breakpoint”
Studio Ubisoft - Bordeaux

Louis ROY alias THURB
Class of 2020
Freelance graphic designer, illustrator and artist
Squeezie, Gotaga, Domingo, BigFlo & Oli,...

Class of 2000
3D animator
Industrial Light & Magic
San Francisco

All careers
Designer de Marque / Brand Designer
Web Designer
Designer Graphique
Opérateur PAO
Responsable du service prépresse (PAO)
Directeur Artistique
Motion Designer
UX Designer / Designer d'expérience
All careers
Animateur 2D/3D
FX Artist / VFX Artist
Lighting Artist
Environment Artist
Character Artist
Texture Artist
3D Généraliste
Infographiste compositing
Concepteur 3D VFX
Surfacing Artist
Layout Artist
Rendering Artist
Motion Designer
Modeleur 3D
Concept Artist
Animateur 3D Jeux Vidéo
Technical Artist
Character Designer