Year 1 to 4 Game Design
Video Games Program
Game Design Program (Years 1 to 4)
- Available in Aix-en-Provence, Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon, Montpellier, Paris, Toulouse
- Delivered face to face
- Duration: 4 years
- Professional certification «Game designer, designer in gamification » registered in the National Directory of Professional Certifications (RNCP), level 6 (equivalent Bac +3/4)
The Game Design / Video Games Program
The Game Design program prepares students to design and manage game systems and mechanics. By integrating new technologies, students are encouraged to innovate and offer new gamified experiences.
This training is punctuated by individual and team work, studio visits, conferences, masterclasses ,… This course offers many educational experiences promoting international openness, autonomy, collective reflection, sharing and in the studio spirit. This video game design training has a high technical added value with the teaching of software specific to the world of video games, tools dedicated to production management, but also specific software such as Unity ®, Unreal ®, and also offers a first approach to development in game engines.
To complete the technical aspect, it also insists on the design and organization of a fun project by contributing the implementation of the concepts of Game Design, Level Design without forgetting project management and teamwork.
This specific game designer training offers students, who are passionate about new technologies and virtual universes, the opportunity to integrate a course that will give them all the keys to successfully entering the professional world.
- History and humanities
- Storytelling / Scenario
- Semiology, psychology, sociology
- Philosophy, anthropology
- Ideation, intention
- Communication, marketing
- Benchmark
- Game Design
- Game analysis
- Testing (QA)
- Narrative design
- Level Design
- UX
- Eco conception
- UI / UX
- 3D
- Algorithms and game engines
- Programming and AI
- Game engines (Unreal and Unity)
- Innovation and R&D
- Production management
- English
- Intercultural management
- Video game economy
- Gaming market
- Project management
- Network-oriented communication
- Inclusivity & Disability
- Quality of life at work: environment and performance
- Management & Communication
- Budget management
- Production of a game prototype
- “Board game” workshop
- « Video game » workshop
- « Linear game » workshop
- « Transmedia » workshop
- Law and intellectual property
- Participation in festivals
- Studio visits
- Game Jam
Professional experience
- 4th year: 2 to 6 months of internship from July
The graduation project
Students in the Game Design / Video Games program create and develop a gamified product (video game, serious game, simulator, event immersion, entertaining cultural experience, etc.), which they present to a jury of professionals from well-known studios. A real springboard to professional integration, this project is the first step in building the careers of our young graduates.
The advantages of the
Video Games training
- Projects in a professional production situation in a studio spirit with spaces dedicated to design and production
- Projects in a professional production situation in a studio spirit with spaces dedicated to design and production
- Team video game prototypes
- Meetings with professionals
- Studio visit
The first year of the video games course offers a professional approach combining theoretical learning, lectures, and practical workshops. It also involves understanding and learning the game mechanics that are fundamental to the development of any games project, as well as discovering a first game engine and project organisation and management.
The second and third years of the Game Design course promote the passage of lessons learned into practice. The workshops offered allow students to carry out their first game design projects: board game, escape game, and end-of-year projects.
The 4th year of the Game Design program focuses on honing students’ skills, preparing them for leadership roles. During this year, students tackle more complex projects, often in collaboration with partner companies, enabling them to work on games in real-life conditions. The emphasis is on innovation, project management and optimizing the user experience. Students also delve into specialized areas such as level design, interactive design and advanced game mechanics.
Educational objectives
Designing the script concept and defining the elements of a game, piloting and participating in the production of the prototype.
- Analyze a specification to identify the game strategy, the rules.
- Offer an integral and immersive gaming experience.
- Organize and manage a project by managing the production flow as a whole.
- Participate in the development of a playable and advanced prototype.
Hold a level IV title or diploma, with a solid general culture. In addition, an entry test based in particular on the production of a Game document is requested.
Terms of access and duration of studies
- Application to be submitted 2 months before each academic year (September).
- Total duration 4 years, (+/- 2 640 hours).
Teaching methods used
- Learning the fundamentals and putting it into practice.
- Experimentation.
- Professional situation.
- Professional project management.
Operational objectives/skills targeted by certification
- Build a playful strategy and define the rules of a game
- Develop a game prototype or playful device
- Organize and manage the production of a game or a fun device
Assessment modality
Individual oral and written, continuous assessment, and evaluation during the project phases.
Certification procedure
The award of the » Game Designer - Concepteur de jeu « Level 6 (equivalent to Bac+3/4) is conditional upon validation of all the skill blocks.
RNCP title »[a Game designer concepteur en gamification « Level 6 (equivalent to Bac+3/4) awarded by Brassart - professional qualification registered with the RNCP by decision of France Compétences on 20/07/2022 (RNCP 36744).
In the case of partial validation, each skill block is acquired for life.
No continuation of the route / No footbridge
Results indicator(s)
Rate of presentation for skills validation assessments: 100%
Success rate for the program (class of 2024): 95%
Overall employment rate at 12 months (all jobs): 78%
Employment rate in the targeted profession “Game Designer and Gamification Developer” at 12 months: 71%
Next Intake: September 2025

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