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Preparatory ClassAudiovisual Program

The Audiovisual Preparation in 1 year

  • Available in
  • Delivered face to face
  • Diploma: Upgrade allowing access to the BTS « Audiovisual professions option Editing / Postproduction »


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The Audiovisual preparatory class is intended for candidates wishing to integrate audiovisual training. It is a year of discoveries and experiments, where we will approach the different fields audiovisual and production. These experiences, both technical and artistic, will allow the student to determine his choices, favoring the best possible orientation in the many audiovisual sectors.

Teachings from audio-visual preparatory class

This year’s teaching aims to upgrade in order to subsequently integrate the Audiovisual BTS.


  • Production management
  • Knowledge of AV equipment and media
  • History and theory of cinema and audiovisual
  • Semiology, image analysis, film analysis
  • Studies of works representative of genres (cinema and audiovisual)
  • English - Literary and artistic field
  • Literature, mastery of language


  • Project methodology
  • Shooting, lighting, framing and camera movement
  • Sound recording techniques
  • Assembly
  • Special effects, tricks
  • Image processing and retouching
  • Creation and realization
  • Writing: note of intent, synopsis, scenario

The + of the audiovisual
preparatory class

Educational objectives

The Audiovisual preparatory class provides methodological and technical teaching of editing, digital special effects, shooting and sound recording.
It also allows a discovery of the realization through short films and video clips: scripts, cut-outs, filming under professional conditions.

The various subjects provide an enrichment of cultural and artistic knowledge as well as a teaching of the scientific bases, essential for access to the BTS and other audiovisual training.
The practical work gives field experiences that promote autonomy and teamwork.

Teaching methods used

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