Studies 3D Animation & Immersion
3D Animation & Immersion
Du cinéma aux réseaux sociaux, de la publicité aux films institutionnels, de la réalité virtuelle aux effets spéciaux, la 3D a envahi les écrans. Pour autant, en devenir un professionnel reste un challenge. Pour le relever, l'école BRASSART propose un programme Animation 3D & Immersion, préparant les étudiants aux métiers liés à tous les domaines de la 3D. Utilisée dans des secteurs de plus en plus variés comme la culture, la santé ou encore l'architecture, la 3D enseignée à nos étudiants leur permet de créer de nouveaux usages et de proposer des expériences visuelles immersives.
Preparatory Class
in Applied Arts
The preparatory class in Applied Arts is a multidisciplinary and transversal year allowing to acquire the theoretical, technical, and methodological bases common to all the professions of graphic design and digital creation. With the exploration of the first creative techniques, he discovers the extent of the possibilities and forges his creative character.
The preparatory year in Applied Arts allows you to specify your professional project and to affirm a choice of orientation among the different courses offered.
3D Animation & Immersion
(Years 2 & 3)
After the preparatory class in Applied Arts, the first 2 years dedicated to training in 3D animation will teach the fundamental basics to students, enabling them to prepare for professions linked to the 3D field: video games, animated films, but also advertising, culture, health or architecture.
3D Animation & Immersion course
(Years 4 & 5)
The last two years of the program enable students to deepen their knowledge, but also and above all to go further in experimenting with new technologies. Once they’ve mastered the basics of 3D, students can unleash their creative spirit, get to grips with a wide range of technical tools and, above all, gain their first professional experience.